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“I hear there’s a wagering pool. Let me know what day you get and we’ll split the pot.”“They might be thinking the same thing about you,” he said. “Despite my dashing good looks and charming personality, I have yet to find pleasure with an actual female.”Merie stopped in her tracks.“You’re kidding me,” she said. “You’re not kidding me. Wow! Never would have guessed that one. Star quarterback unwilling to take one for the team.”Brock looked at Meredith quizzically.“What the hell does that mean?” he asked.“Sorry,” she said with another laugh. “I get that from my Dad, too. Sometimes I rattle off proposed newspaper headlines. I promise they’re really funny in my head.”“Well they seem to lack a little something in translation,” Brock said. “I thought you might be insulting me there for a minute.”Merie punched him on the arm.“When you’ve been insulted, you’ll know it,” she said. “Well, maybe you will. You jock types sometimes are a little slow on the uptake. But if I’ve insulted you and. -Julia le lanz?una mirada de enojo y desprobacion.-Esta bien, la verdad es que no c?mo despedirme de ?l, tengo miedohacerlo sentir triste ...o solo y abandonado como lo hizo sentir su ex--Pero no crees que lo vas a hacer sentir peor! A ver dime, c?mo tesentir?as si de repente un d?a Arturo desapareciera sin ningunaexplicaci?n y no te volviera a contestar tus llamadas o mensajes?.--Me sentir?a triste abandonado y rechazado...--?l merece que le cuentes la verdad. No le digas que eres hombre pero sidile que Daniela se vas a ir y no vas a regresar.--Entonces necesito que t? me ayudes porque no s? qu? decir- Dile m?s omenos la verdad, dile que te vas al extranjero qu? sali? una oportunidadpara cambiar tu vida y que lo m?s probable es que no regreses-- Lo cual es cierto-- Piensa bien cuando se lo vas a decir-- Ma?ana vamos a ir a cenar creo que ser? el momento m?s adecuado paraque si tengamos unos d?as para despedirnos-Y as? al d?a siguientedurante la cena despu?s de muchas dudas Dani.
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